Forum Rules
•Do not double-post. If you don't know what that is, it is basically posting two replies back-to-back. Please make use of the Edit button if no one has replied after your previous post as the alternative to double-posting.
•Do not make a thread, or use one that already exists, as a way to have a conversation with someone that is off-topic. We have the Chat Box on the bottom of the Index page of the forum as well as a Private Messeging (PM) system.
•Speaking of off-topic, please do not go off-topic. An off-topic discussion can completely derail a thread, which is frustrating to the author of the thread if they're in need of advice and never got the answer they need/want.
•Please look at what section of the forum you are posting a thread in and post in the appropriate sections. No wanted lists in the Forum Feedback section, for example.
•No fake ANYTHING, that includes videos, pictures etc. as in "I FOUND THE WEREWOLF!" (fake picture)
•Swearing is fine so long as it is not every other word and not done in anger towards others, especially fellow Lawmen.
Flaming is the act of insulting another member without just cause, or simply for the sake of it. More clemency may be shown if the person you are insulting had just done something terribly stupid, but that is to the moderator's discretion. Also be aware that in any case, going overboard will net you a warning regardless. PMs are NOT exempt.
Acts of Hate
An act of hate is the act of attacking another because of their race, religion, gender, sexuality, etc. We take discrimination against others very seriously here and you will be severely punished for breaking this rule. PMs are NOT exempt from this. Avoid using offensive slurs of any type. This will result in a warning, then an immediete temporary ban on the second offense. Third offense will result in you being perma-banned. All claims will be investigated properly.
If you have been subjected to an act of hate, contact an administrator immedietely.
SPAM stands for "stupid, pointless, annoying messages" and includes such things as low-content posts, posts made just for the sake of increasing post count, or posting in a thread that has been dead for months. Off-topic posts will also be counted as SPAM, but may or may not be split into their own thread by the administrator in question.
•No advertising, you may post your own youtube videos as long as they stay on topic and that you don't say things like "Subscribe to me and you'll grow an extra limb!".
•Depending on the thread, posting in a thread that has been inactive (aka "Dead") for at least a month old may result in a warning. The older the dead thread is, the more likely you will get a warning. Basically, Necro-posting is ill-advised.
If you want to continue the subject, make a new thread on it and include that thread's URL.
•Some administrators in many forums consider one-word posts as SPAM as although they may answer the question, they are very lacking in content
•Image size in KB (kilobytes) must be small
•Make sure your image size does not stretch out the site.
•Video clips are included.